Aikido in Daily Life: February 2018

We come to our dojo to train so that we’re better able to apply the principles of aikido in our daily lives.

Fear of falling, fear of getting hurt, fear of dying, fear of failing?

In our lives we all face fears. In some cases these fears create resistance for us t truly find our potential and experience life at it’s fullest. Understandably, fear (or perhaps the desire to confront fear) is what draws many people to the martial arts. And, chipping away at our fears is certainly an implicit outcome of practicing a “Do” or martial way.

Most of us come to adult life having developed a set of fears (some are probably rational and some not so much) and an ego that finds ways to use our fears to keep us safe but also hold us back. Additionally, our fears are often layered like an onion. We have a fear of falling perhaps. Within that fear there might be other fears like the fear of getting hurt, the fear of dying, or maybe the fear of failing or of being embarrassed. Finally, these fears can be hidden with self delusion and justification where they become subtle mental friction that make us pause, lose our centers, present our openings, and lose opportunities when otherwise we might have achieved something great.

Practicing Aikido, is designed to help us first, become better aware of our fears, then to help us process these fears as we work to overcome those fears, and finally to live our lives with a “warrior spirit“. At Aikido Olympia, we all work together to support each other as we travel this path. And to truly support each other, our practice must be sincere in order to unravel the layers of fear and ego that keep us from our full potential and keep us from living fully.

By Nate Weed


It’s the time of year when Aikido Olympia practices Kangeiko. Kangeiko literally means “cold training” and each year we try to pick a time when early morning temperatures are about as low as they get in the Olympia area. Last year, there were two weeks where temperatures were in the 20’s, the first week of January and the second week of February. Since we already do water misogi the first week in January, we chose to host Kangeiko in the second week of February with hopes of cold weather.

But what is Kangieiko you ask?

In almost every martial arts tradition, there is an emphasis on austere training to develop grit, spirit, hara, or kokoro (as in the calligraphy we hang on the front wall of the dojo). The goal is pretty simple, to test ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually so that we can become more self-aware, learn where we need to develop further, and to build confidence in our ability to thrive in adversity. For our practice, Kangeiko provides the opportunity to wake up earlier than some of us think is normal, to accept the world around us even if its cold and rainy, to remain undistracted by the feeling of our bare feet on the freezing cold mats, and to intentionally practice vigorously.

From kangeiko, we elevate our own practices, nourish the kiai of our dojo, and hopefully develop greater perspective- “If I can participate in kangeiko and enjoy it, then what else am I capable of doing?”

Aikido in Daily Life: January 2018

We come to our dojo to train so that we’re better able to apply the principles of aikido in our daily lives.

2018 has arrived!

For many, the New Year is a celebration of what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve learned, what we’ve endured, and what we’ve experienced. For others this is the time for setting new goals, looking to new opportunities, and an look to the coming year with hope. In the practice of Aikido, we certainly reflect and learn, we also open our hearts to new opportunities, and we set our minds and hara’s on positive thoughts and deeds. We also practice our art in our lives and work to maintain our centers and our presence. And, from that strength we enter with our full intention and commitment. The martial aspects of our practice help us to appreciate the value of action and appreciate the grit that we develop from repeatedly pushing beyond our comfort zone. The discipline of Aikido also helps us learn to “take up the slack” and apply a gentle and harmonious energy as we move along our journey.

So, let’s all work to use our training to “enter” into 2018 with presence and intention!

Aikido for Elders Coming Soon to Olympia

With Aikido Olympia’s new commitment to greater community partnerships, we are beginning to work with area parks departments and the Olympia Senior Center to explore how we might be able to mutually support one another. One path that is starting to form is an opportunity to offer classes for elders, initially at the Olympia Senior Center, beginning as one of the spring offerings. Since Aikido teaches self-awareness and respect, both for oneself and for others with whom one is privileged to practice, one can begin practice at any age beyond six or seven, and with any range of physical abilities, even if one currently is more comfortable sitting than walking. Tim Sensei and I have been exploring this in our teaching and practice over the past year and are excited to create space for this in our community.

By Chuck Pailthorp

Aikido Olympia Non-Profit Status Update

Throughout 2017 (and maybe a little of 2016), several members of our dojo have been working on officially establishing Aikido Olympia as a non-profit organization. Aikido Olympia has operated for many years as a 100% volunteer organization where dues and donations go toward mats, rent, utilities, and the occasional new fan, but we weren’t actually incorporated as a non-profit organization.

Well, we recently received our letter from the State of Washington recognizing our organization in this new status. This change in our organizational status won’t change the fact that we are a member supported, volunteer organization but we hope that it will help open up new relationships and opportunities.

2018 Aikido Olympia Class Schedule Changes

Coming in 2018, we are implementing some changes to our weekly class schedule:

Some of you may recall filling out a survey where you were asked about your preferences for class times. The dojo leadership used that information to create a new schedule for 2018 that should benefit both students and the instructors.

Changed: Youth classes to Tuesday/Thursday beginning at 5:30 instead of 5:00
Added: Adult general class on Tuesday/Thursday following youth class. Class begins at 6:30.
Removed: Classes at 5:30 AM on Tuesday/Thursday and no regularly scheduled classes on Friday.

We will begin this new schedule on January 3rd, 2018.



Aikido in Daily Life: December 2017

We come to our dojo to train so that we’re better able to apply the principles of aikido in our daily lives.

In the practice of most martial disciplines, practitioners work to develop the ability to absorb information from our environment more effectively. In our Aikido training we frequently talk about using “Martial Vision” or 360 degree vision. This takes a lot of work to develop but ultimately this skill begins to grow. Usually, this process starts with actual vision – the seeing with your eyes part. As this skill grows, other senses start to become included, we begin to hear, smell, feel, and maybe eventually even taste more of our environment. This provides more opportunities to appreciate our natural world, our friends, our families, and the other things that mean a great deal to us.

As we enter a season of holidays focused on family, friends, food, light, and peace, it’s a great time to turn our martial vision toward these things and be present with them. Take some time to care for ourselves and be the people we want to be all year long.


Shugyo is a term used to describe activities, usually arduous, used to train the spirit. This isn’t really the same thing as spiritual training but rather developing one’s hara, grit, ability to “take it.”

At the beginning of this month’s Adult Basic class we, as typical, discussed how Aikido helps us develop the ability to thrive in many of life’s most difficult circumstances. Part of the training designed to develop this ability is focused on the spirit. Our bodies are great, they help us move around, and interface with other things in our environment. However, our bodies also have some limitations. There is only a certain amount of pain, fatigue, hunger, and oxygen deprivation that they can endure. A well trained spirit can help us change our relationship to these factors. These experiences are all sensations that we experience and that everyone else experiences in their lives. These are not things that stop us from accomplishing our goals but rather signs that tell us we are in the process of accomplishing our goals.

Throughout the first week of December (12/4 – 12/8) our dojo will provide an opportunity for training our spirits. At 5:15-6:30 each morning we will do breathing exercises as a group. This training, combined with our regular evening classes, will lead to strong development in our practice.

By Nate Weed

Aikido In Daily Life: November 2017

We come to our dojo to train so that we’re better able to apply the principles of aikido in our daily lives.

Such an opportunity I have for you…

In my life right now, I seem to be engaged in a bit of a work related conflict. This is a conflict that has a lot of influences but ultimately creates some less than virtuous energy between myself and a colleague. This conflict could be characterized as a challenge in my life. And, if I considered it a challenge, I’d probably try to win that challenge. And winning might not be a good strategy because this a colleague who I care about and who I want to be successful (in fact my success and her success are really one thing). So rather than frame this conflict as a challenge in my mind, I’m working hard to frame it as an opportunity to practice instead. I like practicing and I’m hardly opposed to some hard ukemi when I practice. So, if I can use this great opportunity to practice, I will get to learn something new, I’ll have more fun with it, and we’ll both probably be successful.

I just have to remember this in the moment…